The Surprising Model

As parents, we are regularly encouraging our children to follow our example. We are the ones instructing and showing them how to live life. From walking and talking, to sports, and especially, in developing their relationship with God. Parents are always seeking to train their kids for all of life.

Have you ever had your children tell you that you were wrong or that they knew a better way to do something? These statements mean more as our kids mature, but I remember one time when our children were young they taught me something. We lived out in the country, and our dog was outside. When it was time to let him in the house, the smell on him was overwhelming! It turns out that he was sprayed by a skunk! Now, what do I do? How do I get that smell out? It was then that the kids told me they were watching a T.V show and it said to bathe the dog in tomato juice! I was desperate, so I tried it. To my surprise, it worked!

As I was reading Luke 18 today, I was pleasantly reminded that we can learn something vital from little children. Yes, adults can learn critical spiritual truth from little ones. In fact, Jesus says that very thing. In verse 17 he says,

“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

I like what Lenski says about this statement. He notes,

“This statement is astonishing in every way. We should think as, alas, so many did and do think that a babe must receive the kingdom as an adult receives it, but absolutely the reverse is true. The child is the model, not the man.”

What a great picture Jesus gives us through children. Just like children are trusting, humble and dependent, so must we be when we respond to the offer of the gift of forgiveness and life!

Father, thank you for the great reminder of the need for humility, trust, and dependence in my relationship with you. That is necessary not just in my acceptance of forgiveness but in my daily relationship with you. Help me to walk today as a little child in complete trust in you and experience the security that brings me.

Following Jesus with you,

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